Olivier Sparagano
Acting deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Coventry University
Olivier Sparagano is Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Coventry University. He has been elected as Chair of European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action Grant (2015-2019), leading on research into poultry ectoparasites. Olivier Sparagano was Professor of Health and Biotechnology and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation at Northumbria University at Newcastle. He got his PhD in 1994 with the Institut Pasteur Lyon and the University Claude Bernard in France followed by research posts at Reading, Edinburgh, Utrecht, Herriot-Watt University before moving to a Lectureship at Newcastle University and a Professorship at Northumbria University. Olivier is a Chartered Biologist, a Fellow of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (for which he is currently the President for the third time), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, a Fellow for the Society of Biology and an Associate Member with the Royal Society for Chemistry. He has published over 135 peer-reviewed papers and over 250 conference abstracts.
Research Interest
Vector-borne diseases, animal health, agriculture, vaccine development and molecular diagnostics