Veterinary | Medicine Conferences | Veternary Conferences | Meetings | 2023

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Renowned Speakers

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Ramesh C. Gupta

Murray State University USA

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Srebrenka Nejedli

University of Zagreb Croatia

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Yong Ho Park

Seoul National University South Korea

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Krisztina Kungl

University of Veterinary Medicine Hungary

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Bernard Faye

FAO Consultant France

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

AyÅŸe Gencay

Erciyes University Turkey

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Tarun Kumar Gahlot

Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences India

Veterinary Conferences, Veterinary Workshops, Animal congress, Veterinary Research, Veterinary Workshops 2023, Veterinary Care symposia, Animal Health Congress, Animal science Conferences, Pet health Congress, Veterinary conferences Europe

Julian L. Skidmore

Camel Reproduction Centre UAE

Recommended Global Animal Science And Veterinary Webinars & Conferences

Veterinary 2023

About Conference

This veterinary conference focuses on the exponential growth taking place in the veterinary sector. Veterinary medicine has responsibilities in biomedical research; ecosystem management; public health; food and agricultural systems; and care of companion animals, wildlife, exotic animals, and food animals. The veterinary profession contributes to improvement of human and public health by improving agriculture and food systems, advancing biomedical and comparative medical research, preventing and addressing zoonotic diseases, enhancing environmental and ecosystem health, and helping manage 21st century public health challenges.

We take this opportunity to welcome you all on September 04-05, 2023 Frankfurt, Germany. Mark Veterinary Conferences 2023 in calendar and join us to have an exciting experience and worthy scientific moments. 

Conference Highlights:

  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Animal Nutrition & Reproduction
  • Veterinary Microbiology & Genetics
  • Veterinary Surgery & Immunology
  • Animal Breeding
  • Veterinary Toxicology
  • Poultry Production
  • Dairy Technology
  • Wild life Management
  • Livestock Production & Management
  • Camel Science
  • Equine Research and Medicine
  • Zoo and Exotic Science
  • Transgenic Animals
  • Large Animal Research
  • Veterinary First Aid
  • Avian Science
  • Veterinary Anesthesiology
  • Veterinary Microbiology & Biotechnology
  • Veterinary Pollination
  • Entomology
  • Aquaculture
  • Animal Models and Testing
  • Veterinary Care and Management
  • Entrepreneurs Investment Meet

Why to Attend?

Throughout the ages humans have depended on animals for service, food, and companionship. In modern times, animals have even played a crucial role in research settings where diseases are studied and drug therapies are developed. Veterinary medicine and animal care focus on the provision of health care, surgery, and preventive services for a variety of animal species. Veterinarians and veterinary technicians address health emergencies as well as provide routine medical care.

This veterinary conference focuses on the exponential growth taking place in the veterinary sector. Veterinary medicine has responsibilities in biomedical research; ecosystem management; public health; food and agricultural systems; and care of companion animals, wildlife, exotic animals and food animals. The veterinary profession contributes to improvement of human and public health by improving agriculture and food systems, advancing biomedical and comparative medical research, preventing and addressing zoonotic diseases, enhancing environmental and ecosystem health and helping manage 21st century public health challenges.

Who Can Attend the Conference?

  • Veterinarians
  • Veterinary Technicians
  • Veterinary Clinic Teams
  • Researchers and Specialists
  • Veterinary Faculty
  • Veterinary Medicine Faculty
  • Animal Sciences Faculty
  • Veterinary Students
  • Animal Science Students
  • Veterinary Nurse
  • Veterinary Groups
  • Veterinary Societies
  • Veterinary Associations
  • Animal Health Companies

Reasons to Attend Veterinary 2023:

     1.      Grow Your Professional Network

     2.      Meet Experts & Influencers in Your Field

     3.      Live Interaction with Like Minded People

     4.      Share Your Content

     5.      Learn New Things

     6.      Grow Your Self

     7.      Conference CE/ CPD

     8.      Continuing Education

     9.      Global Reach & Highest Visibility

    10.    Workshops, Symposiums, and Exhibitions

    11.    Have Fun

    Previous Year Veterinary Conference Statistics:

  • 83% of attendees were core people from veterinary medicine
  • 62% are Professor/Researcher/President/Policy Officer/Chief Representative
  • 21% are Students/Specialist/Post Doc
  • 12% Delegate/Company Representative/Consultant/Economist
  • 5% Manager/Head/Director

Young Scientist Benefits

  • Our conferences provide best Platform for your research through oral presentations.
  • Share the ideas with both eminent researchers and mentors.
  • Young Scientist Award reorganization certificate and memento to the winners
  • Young Scientists will get appropriate and timely information by this Forum.
  • Platform for collaboration among young researchers for better development
  • Award should motivate participants to strive to realize their full potential which could in turn be beneficial to the field as whole.

Sessions / Tracks

Veterinary Epidemiology

The overall Veterinary the study of disease transmission showcase, computed at $24.8 Billion of every 2014, is set to reach $34.39 Billion by 2019, holding a CAGR of 7.86% amid the figure time frame. The new kind of infections in creatures and their ensuing exchange to people through creature feed utilization and fraternity are raising the veterinary medicinal services industry comprehensively. The think choices in innovative work of makers are relied upon to decidedly affect worldwide veterinary social insurance market. Veterinary diagnostics showcase has seen a change in perspective in the previous decade with the rise of various sumptuous and sound items, which positively affected the general development of the market. The market has seen late progressions from the human diagnostics section being adjusted into the veterinary diagnostics fragment. This pattern still holds on and with the human diagnostics getting less expensive, their application into the veterinary portion is relied upon to become further.

Camel Science

Camel thought to have been first trained by local individuals over 5,000 years prior, these solid creatures have demonstrated imperative to the survival of people in these regions as they are not simply utilized for transporting the two individuals and merchandise, yet additionally give a decent wellspring of drain, meat and fleece. The Camel is a standout amongst the most special warm-blooded creatures on the planet and has adjusted superbly to life in the desert where sustenance and water can frequently be rare and the temperature changes quickly from the searing hot days to the cooler evenings. Be that as it may, in spite of the fact that they would have once been discovered openly wander the Arabian deserts, they are today wiped out from the wild however the household populace is across the board and various. Veterinary meeting welcoming dynamic on propels in camel science.

Animal welfare

Animal welfare is the prosperity of creatures. The models of good animal welfare change significantly between various contexts. These norms are under steady audit and are discussed, made and reexamined by animal welfare groups, lawmakers and scholastics worldwide. Animal welfare science utilizes different measures, for example, life span, sickness, immunosuppression, conduct, physiology, and reproduction, although there is debate about which of these markers give the best information. Concern to animal welfare is frequently in light of the conviction that non-human creatures are aware and that thought ought to be given to their prosperity or enduring, particularly when they are under the care of people.

Veterinary Toxicology

In animals, veterinary toxicology means understanding of sources of poisons, circumstances of exposure, diagnosis of the type of poisoning, treatment, and application of management or educational strategies to prevent poisoning. Aquatic toxicology is the study of the effects of chemicals and other anthropogenic and natural materials and activities on aquatic organisms at various levels of organization, from subcellular through individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. Branch of toxicology deals with insecticides. Most of the insecticides enter through skin. Some of the insecticides are volatile and enter through inhalation into the body. This branch also deals with safety, degradation and refinement of insecticides in environment.

Veterinary Surgery & Radiology

Veterinary medical procedure is a medical procedure performed on creature, and it is the branch of drug that arrangements with the determination and treatment of damage, disfigurement, and sickness utilizing instruments. A man who plays out this are called veterinary specialists. It resembles training or an administration that gives medicinal services to creatures. Key obligations incorporate diagnosing diseases in an assortment of creatures, recommending the proper treatment, knowing the laws encompassing creatures and their welfare. In the past, the condition is closer to that with individuals, where the preferred standpoint to the patient is the basic factor. Medical procedure implies the craftsmanship and study of veterinary drug and medical procedure including the finding of ailments in creatures and wounds to creatures, performing tests on creatures for analytic purposes, giving guidance in the light of conclusion and the restorative or careful treatment of creature and performing careful tasks on creatures.

Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Diseases

Veterinary Microbiology is the branch of study mainly concerned with microbes that are responsible for causing diseases to animals. It is purely concerned with microbial (bacterial, fungal, viral) diseases of domesticated animals (livestock, fur-bearing animals, game, poultry, and fish) that supply food and other useful products. Microbial diseases caused by the wild animals living in captivity and who are the members of the feral and fauna will also considered if the infections are because of their interrelation with humans or domestic animals. There are several microbes caused fatal diseases to domesticated animals and generally transmitted from companion animals via food and water sometimes by air also.

Veterinary Vaccines

Veterinary Vaccines - Vaccines employed for the prevention of various diseases that affect animals can be grouped under veterinary vaccines. The field of research includes vaccines developed against many veterinary diseases, the methods for their prevention and their treatment. Significant advance has been made in the creation of rabies antibodies whether live or inactivated for animal use amid the previous two decades with the expanding utilization of constant cell lines as a substrate and reception of the fermentation technologies for antigen generation. These immunizations are delivered for organization to domesticated or wild species by parenteral or oral courses as indicated by vaccine qualities.

Veterinary Care & Management

Veterinary care is a representative piece of animal care and utilize program. The essential concentration of the veterinarian is to focus on the prosperity and clinical care of animals. Utilized as a part of research, testing, educating and production. This duty agrees of observing and the advancement of animal prosperity constantly amid all periods of the life of animals. Prosperity is controlled by thinking about physical, physiologic, and social markers, which differ by species.

Veterinary Medicine

There is a huge amount of variation in different animal species, and thus each species may need specific medicines for the same disease. Hence, the research and marketing of veterinary medicines is more complicated as compared to human medicines. Unlike human medicines, there is no regulation in the prices of veterinary medicines. The selection of veterinary medicines accounts for more than 270 trade names. Synthetic drugs could pose serious problems, toxic and costly. In contrast to this, herbal medicines are relatively nontoxic, cheaper and are eco-friendly. Moreover, the people have used them for generations. They have also been used in day-to-day problems of healthcare in animals. 25% of the drugs prescribed worldwide come from plants.

Veterinary & Animal Science

Veterinary and animal science helps human wellbeing through the checking and control of zoonotic diseases (irresistible infection transmitted from non-human creatures to people), sustenance security, and in around about way through human applications from fundamental restorative research. They likewise help to keep up sustenance supply through domesticated animal wellbeing observing and treatment, and psychological wellness by keeping pet’s solid and long living. Veterinary researchers frequently team up with disease transmission experts, and other wellbeing or normal researchers relying upon sort of work. Morally, veterinarians are generally obliged to care for animal welfare.

Poultry Production

Veterinary science is important to the study of livestock, herd health and monitoring the spread of disease. It requires the application of scientific knowledge in multiple areas and the use of technical skills in disease prevention that may affect both pets and wild animals. Animal Production facilitates improvements in agricultural productivity, with emphasis on animal production systems and administers the animal improvement. Animal production sector has been undergoing change at a remarkable pace over the past few decades.

Veterinary Research

Veterinary research incorporates inquire about on prevention, control, analysis, and treatment of ailments of animals and on the fundamental science, welfare, and care of animals. Veterinary research rises above species limits and incorporates the investigation of precipitously happening and tentatively actuated models of both human and animal infection and research at human-animal interfaces, for example, nourishment security, wildlife and biological system wellbeing, zoonotic sicknesses, and public policies.

Wildlife Management

Wildlife Management attempts to balance the needs of wildlife with the needs of people using the best available science. Wildlife management can include game keeping, wildlife conservation and pest control. Wildlife management draws on disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry, biology to gain the best results. With the aim of balancing the needs of wildlife with the needs of people. Most wildlife biologists are concerned with the preservation and improvement of habitats.

Animal Reproduction

Reproduction assumes an imperative part in accommodating the proceeded with presence of an animal groups. Animal compete with different people to keep up themselves for a time frame that would be adequate to empower them to deliver tissue that would be imperative to the support of their species. The reproductive tissue typically winds up plainly isolated from the person to frame an autonomous organism. Animal hereditary qualities grant propel rearing innovation and testing administrations, for example, genetic characteristic tests, DNA writing and hereditary sickness tests. As of late, animal hereditary qualities showcase saw tremendous growth which is principally related to rising interest of animal products because of expanding worldwide population, advancement of front line technologies in animal genetics, testing and expanding awareness about veterinary hereditary issue. The animal genetics market is divided by testing administrations, items and geography. Created geographies like Europe and North America are probably going to develop at nearly bring down CAGR than the Asia-Pacific market, which is required to witness a significantly quicker development amid the gauge time frame, enormously determined by the developing craving of veterinary inferred items, usage of animal welfare acts and increment in the number of inhabitants in domesticated animals.

Animal Nutrition

Animal nourishment concentrates on the dietary needs of domesticated animals, principally those in horticulture and food production. There are seven noteworthy classes of supplements: sugars, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamin, and water. Most foods contain a blend of a few or the greater part of the supplement classes, together with different substances, for example, toxins or different sorts. A few supplements can be stored internally (e.g., the fat solvent vitamins), while others are required pretty much persistently. Weakness can be caused by an absence of required supplements or, in extraordinary cases, a lot of a required supplement.

Animal Biotechnology

The world of animal medicine has seen extraordinary mechanical advances over the most recent years. A large number of new strategies and devices have been received from human medical practice. The advances have prompted better medications, as well as speedier and precise determination. From Ultrasounds and MRIs to the Amplatz Canine Ductal Occluder, there are numerous new innovations that outfit veterinarians with the capacity to analyze and at last spare debilitated animals. MRI innovation has been greatly instrumental in the advancement of human neuroscience. Vets are presently utilizing the imaging innovation look into the brains of pets and wild animals. Then again, ultrasounds have the upside of not requiring anesthesia and nearly shoddy to perform. Laparoscopic strategies utilize a little camera and light source that can be consolidated into the stomach or thoracic depression for a look inside the body. This is yet another case of adjustment of human drug innovation to the set of all animals. With the improvement of new veterinary innovation comes the need for those with particular preparation. Veterinary innovation guarantees a remunerating vocation for any individual who has a passion for animals.

Dairy Farming

Dairy science investigates the innovation and science behind the generation of milk and milk products. It is a field that arrangements with the preparing of milk and its items. This field includes the utilization of "technology" to make the dairy products and processing more advanced, hi-tech and useful. The dairy technology is a part of food innovation that particularly manages the handling, stockpiling, packaging, distribution and transportation of the dairy items like milk, frozen yogurt, curd and so forth by suggesting the study of biochemistry, bacteriology, nourishment to the milk and milk products.

Meat Science and Technology

Meat science has recognized a few variables bearing on the development and improvement of meat in animals. Meat utilization differs around the world, contingent upon social or religious inclinations, and additionally monetary conditions. Vegans pick not to eat meat in view of moral, financial, natural and religious or wellbeing worries that are related with meat generation and consumption. Ethical issues regarding the utilization of meat incorporate protesting the demonstration of murdering creatures or to the agrarian practices utilized as a part of meat generation.

Livestock Production

Domesticated animals brought up in a farm setting to deliver wares, for example, nourishment, fiber, and labor. The term is frequently used to allude exclusively to those raised for nourishment, and once in a while just cultivated ruminants. Numerous times of development and early adaption of new technologies has improved their prosperity. The pace of progress and scope of chances are probably not going to reduce later on and we gather it is imperative for all ranchers to stay in contact with developments and see how they can be connected to their cultivating organizations to enhance their administration and physical and money related execution.


The farming of aquatic organisms like fishes, aquatic plants, molluscs, crustaceans etc., is known as aquaculture. Aquaculture, also known as aqua farming, is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is the harvesting of wild fish.

Animal Cloning & Transgenic animals

transgenic creature is one that conveys a remote quality that has been intentionally embedded into its genome. The remote quality is built utilizing recombinant DNA methodology. In regenerative cloning, analysts evacuate a develop substantial cell, for example, a skin cell, from a creature that they wish to duplicate. They at that point exchange the DNA of the giver creature's substantial cell into an egg cell, or oocyte, that has had its own DNA-containing core evacuated.

Emergency Animal treatments

Pet Emergency Treatment is a special branch to give important and basic care. Faculty practice predominately in the crisis treatment of wiped out and harmed pets. Faculty work intimately with pet's normal veterinarian and send discoveries to them for follow-up mind. Uncommon office is prepared to deal with a wide range of little creature crises including injuries, nibble wound wounds, respiratory crises, gastrointestinal crises, endocrine crises, conceptive crises, visual crises, poisonings, and fundamental strong watch over intriguing pets.

Mobile Veterinary Clinic

For veterinarians, versatile centers offer the chance to watch and treat a creature in its home, which can bring about more extensive care. Versatile veterinary centers have turned out to be progressively prevalent because of solid request from pet proprietors looking for the comfort of at-home creature administrations. Also, veterinarians are finding that this kind of veterinary treatment focus is considerably more moderate to open and work than a stationary center.

Preventive Pet Healthcare & Club

Preventive pet healthcare includes several approaches that incorporate veterinary assessment of pet's general wellbeing and other medical issues. Considering the discoveries, veterinarian will give suggestions for pet's sustenance, dental care, inoculations and heart worm/bug/tick anticipation, and proposals particularly custom fitted to pet's wellbeing status and hazard factors. Pet Health Club isn't protection. Or maybe it incorporates the standard things – like inoculations, bug, worm and parasite medications, wellbeing checks and guidance all in a simple regularly scheduled installment design. Regardless of whether your pet is youthful or old, our Pet Health Club is intended to adjust to their necessities, from earliest stages through adulthood to the senior years. The Pet Health Club makes it simple to secure your pet and your family against preventable infections and uneasiness by guaranteeing your pet's immunizations, parasite control and general wellbeing.

Veterinary Physiotherapy

Veterinary Physiotherapists are specialists in the arrival of muscle fit and in the assembly of joints to pick up help with discomfort and rebuilding of typical development designsVeterinary Physiotherapy includes the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal as well as neurological conditions in creatures. It joins development examination with learning of the life structures of the neuro-solid framework to distinguish potential issues.

Animal Ecology & Physiology

Animal ecology is a majority of the creature life of a specific region or time. Understanding qualities of individual living beings clarifies examples and procedures at different levels of association including populaces, groups, and environments. A few ranges of nature of development that attention on such qualities is life history hypothesis, Eco physiology, metabolic hypothesis of biology, and Ethology. Cases of such qualities incorporate components of a life forms life cycle, for example, age to development, life traverse, or metabolic expenses of propagation. Animal physiology is the science of study of the life-supporting properties, or more specifically the physical and chemical processes that occur within animals. It is the key discipline for understanding the fundamental biology of all animals. This discipline also covers key homeostatic processes, such as the regulation of temperature, blood flow and hormones. Examples of these processes are gas exchange, blood and circulation, osmoregulation, digestion, nervous and muscle systems and endocrinology.

Veterinary Nursing

Veterinary Nursing is the supportive care of animals receiving treatment within a veterinary practice. A veterinary nurse works as a member of the veterinary team, providing expert nursing care for sick animals. Veterinary nurses also play a significant role in educating owners on maintaining the health of their pets. They carry out technical work and are skilled in undertaking a range of diagnostic tests, medical treatments and minor surgical procedures, under veterinary direction. Veterinary nurses help veterinary surgeons (vets) by providing nursing care for sick, injured and hospitalized animals. They also play an important role in educating owners on good standards of animal care and welfare. A veterinary nurse needs to be calm and confident when handling animals.     

Veterinary Entomology

Veterinary entomology is a branch of entomology which deals with the study of blood sucking insects which transmits contagious and parasitic diseases.

Insect Pollination: There is no doubt that insect pollination is a vital service for both wild and agricultural systems. Without insect pollinators, roughly a third of the world's crops would flower, only to fade and then lie barren. Unmanaged native bees provide critical pollination services to many important crops. Many vegetable crops are either dependent on, or produce higher yields when pollinated by bees.

  • Insect Ecology
  • Insect dispersal
  • Insecticide resistance management
  • Plant-Insect Interactions

Veterinary Forensics

Veterinary Forensic Sciences is the convergence of a broad spectrum of sciences, including veterinary medicine, to provide answer to the questions of interest at a court of law related to animal abuse. It can be used to solve the animal related crime. Veterinary forensics is a continuous growing field that holds vast opportunities for research. As the field becomes more prominent, new areas of specialization will open up; giving investigators the chance to become specialists in one specific aspect of veterinary forensics and each of these will provide research opportunities. The melding of human and veterinary forensics will subsequently benefit society, protecting people and animals alike.

Animal Models & Testing

Health is built up by considering physical, physiological, and behavioral pointers. The number, species, and utilization of animals in an organization may impact the complexity of the veterinary care program, however a veterinary program that offers a subjective care and moral gauges must be given, regardless the quantity of animals or species maintained.

Market Analysis

The global veterinary vaccines market is poised to reach USD 7.68 Billion by 2022 from USD 5.81 Billion in 2016, at a CAGR of 5.8% from 2016 to 2021. The Worldwide veterinary medication advertises is anticipated to thrive essentially at a CAGR of 6.8% over the gauge time frame i.e. 2016-2023. Besides, the market of veterinary medication showcase represented USD 25.3 Billion out of 2016 and the market is additionally foreseen to collect USD 49.8 Billion by 2023.  North America was accounted the biggest market income share in veterinary medication advertise over the globe. The market of North America district is relied upon to proceed with its predominance over the estimate time frame and anticipated to account 31.5% offer of income over the conjecture time frame i.e. 2016-2023 attributable to expanding gross discretionary cash flow of populace which will prompts higher spending on creature social insurance. Then again, Europe is relied upon to be the second biggest offer supporter over the globe in the market of veterinary medication because of accessibility of financially savvy and advances veterinary medication in the market.

The veterinary vaccine market is broken down into two main segments: vaccines for livestock and those for companion animals. The livestock market accounts for a much greater share of the veterinary vaccine market at over 62 percent, with more than 30 percent of that for porcine (pig) virus vaccines. Pet vaccines account for 38 percent of the global market, broken down into equine (horse), canine (dog) and feline (cat) vaccines. Within the pet segment, vaccines for dogs represent the most lucrative market, growing at a rate of about six percent per year. 


Past conference Report

Veterinary 2022

17th International Veterinary Congress

Conference Series successfully hosted the 17th International Veterinary Congress | Webinar.

The conference focused on the theme “A Step towards Animal Security Leads Healthy Living”. The conference was successful in gathering eminent speakers from various reputed organizations and their paramount talks enlightened the gathering.

The conference focused on Health and Nutritional needs of Wild and Domestic Animals and the meeting engrossed in knowledgeable discussions on novel subjects like: Veterinary Science, Animal Nutrition and Diseases, Recent Developments, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Breeding and Genetics, Dairy Cattle Technology, Animal Biotechnology, Livestock Management and Companion Animal Behavior, Poultry Production, Animal Models and Testing.

Veterinary 2022 witnessed a combination of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled issues related to the field of Veterinary. The extremely illustrious conference hosted by Conference Series LLC was marked with the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, delegates and talented student communities representing their countries around the world.

Conference Series LLC Group is prerogative to thank the Organizing Committee Members, Keynote speakers; Chair and Co-chairs on engross the keynote sessions, workshops, Symposiums and YRF and Poster sessions in an expanded manner to make this Webinar a privileged Summit.

The Organizing Committee would like to thank the moderator Tanvi, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, India for her support which resulted in smooth functioning of the conference.

The Webinar e was boarded with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by Honorable Guest and members of the Keynote forum.

The best Part of the Webinar was the keynote forum by prominent scientists gave their profitable contributions in the form of highly enlightening presentations and made the conference a best notch one.

The two days event implanted a firm relation of upcoming strategies in the field of Veterinary with the scientific community. The conceptual and valid knowledge shared, will also raise organizational collaborations to develop scientific accelerations.

We once again thank all the participants for their wonderful involvement towards the event which helped us for successful execution of this event.

Conference Series LLC Ltd takes a great pride in declaring the upcoming conference “18th International Veterinary Congress” which is going to be held at  Frankfurt, Germany during September 04-05, 2023.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date September 04-05, 2023

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

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